BINGO Operations
Bingo Operations: Policies and Recommendations
Bingo Dates
Bingo dates are generally 44 or 45 dates per year. Most fundraising dates are on Saturday but
several are on Friday with a few on Thursday as well. The Bingo calendar is provided to all
parents prior to the next fiscal year which begins July 1. Any updates or corrections are
emailed to parents as needed and are available on the St. Francis High School website.
several are on Friday with a few on Thursday as well. The Bingo calendar is provided to all
parents prior to the next fiscal year which begins July 1. Any updates or corrections are
emailed to parents as needed and are available on the St. Francis High School website.
Volunteer Credit
Volunteers receive one hour of credit for each hour of participation. Couples are welcome to
come together. More than three volunteers from one family, in one evening, is discouraged.
We do our best to accommodate volunteers with mobility challenges by providing volunteer
roles that allow for sitting.
Dress Code
We recommend wearing comfortable shoes and clothing while volunteering.
Arrival and Set-Up
Please sign-in upon arrival as a record of your attendance. Mats, tables, chairs, coffee area,
and Bingo electronics (e.g., caller table, boards) are generally set-up the day before Bingo after
the last athletic practice (e.g., basketball, volleyball). Bingo games are set-up during the week
prior to the Bingo event.
Participating in Gaming Activities
Volunteers may not buy Bingo games (CA law). Players are discouraged from playing for
players but may do so briefly, in case of bathroom breaks or minor ‘emergencies’.
Have fun and engage with players, adding to a positive game environment. Be aware of game
flow and player needs – focus on the player/customer. When needed, ask for help. Control
your cash bucket. Dollars raised go towards tuition assistance.
Stewardship and Greeting Customers
Welcome players to our Bingo environment. Introduce yourself as a host and representative of
St. Francis High School. For new players, point out the restrooms and food truck location.
Smile, socialize and have fun. First impressions are lasting impressions. Check in with players
periodically to ensure their needs are being met.
Bingo Verification
Verifiers confirm a player’s call of a winning ‘Bingo’. The verifier may use a walkie-talkie or
simply walk to the caller’s station to confirm the numbers. The caller will repeat the relevant
numbers to all players when confirming a winner.
Verifiers confirm a player’s call of a winning ‘Bingo’. The verifier may use a walkie-talkie or
simply walk to the caller’s station to confirm the numbers. The caller will repeat the relevant
numbers to all players when confirming a winner.
Age Requirement
All volunteers must be at least 18 year of age while Bingo is in session (CA law). Student
volunteers are welcomed for set-up and clean-up.
Cell Phones
Please make all phone calls off the Bingo floor and keep calls to a minimum. Please do not use
ear buds while at Bingo.
Collect garbage from players as needed or direct them to the garbage disposal area. Deposit all
garbage and recycling in available bins. Clean and remove tables. Remove chairs and Bingo
apparatus (e.g., caller table, electronic boards). Place all Bingo related items in the large
storage room in the gymnasium. Roll-up the mats. Bingo games are stored in the small
storage room in the gymnasium. Please do as you are asked as all tasks are important to a
timely event completion.