From the Dean of Students

Parents and students,

Please be reminded of the school’s new policy when it comes to cell phones on campus. See the Student Family Handbook citation below. It is now the expectation that when students enter the front gate in the morning that their cell phone is turned off and kept in their backpack until the end of the school day. This includes tutorial periods. Headphones and earbuds are also not to be used during the school day unless a teacher allows them to be used in their class. Mr. Valdivia has been providing gentle reminders up until this point to get acclimated to the new rule. Now that the rule is established, from this point forward, students will receive a verbal warning, then confiscation and detention. Be reminded that after three detentions, the fourth violation will result in Saturday school service. Please make sure students are in compliance with the expectation.

Thank you,
Mr. Anthony Valdivia
Dean of Students

Section 4j: Cell phones: Cell phones must be put away in students’ backpacks at the start of the school day. These are not to be used in between classes, during lunchtime, in the bathroom or locker rooms. Any disturbance of class or school events by their use will subject the student to referral to the Dean of Students. Unauthorized use of a cell phone will result in confiscation of the item. The confiscated item may be picked up from the Dean of Students at the conclusion of the school day. The student will be assigned detention in order to retrieve the item. Unauthorized use of a cell phone camera on campus may result in a referral to the Discipline Review Board. 
