Integral Student Outcomes (ISOs)

St. Francis High School: Salesian College Preparatory graduates are guided by St. John Bosco's Salesian philosophy of life.  They are committed to...

Reason: As creative, critical thinkers and life-long learners who...

  • Express themselves and collaborate with superior communication skills;
  • Master the arts and sciences for success in college and life beyond high school;
  • Utilize talents and abilities while choosing safe, healthy, and well-balanced life decisions; and
  • Understand the potential of technology and use it responsibly.

Religion: As responsible, spiritual people who...

  • Understand the teachings of the Catholic faith and are respectful of all faiths;
  • Behave in a way consistent with the belief that they and all others are created "in the image and likeness of God"; and
  • Develop and share their spirituality.

Loving Kindness: As involved citizens of their communities who...

  • Value individual and group diversity and act with compassion toward others;
  • Demonstrate authentic leadership with integrity and humility;
  • Make their local communities more loving, just, and sustainable through responsible moral decisions and voluntary service; and
  • Demonstrate active and informed citizenship to support regional, national, and global communities.