From the Associate Principal

Topics included in this section are:

  1. Tutorial and Mandatory Tutorial
  2. Study Day & Final Exams
  3. Peace Within

Dear St. Francis Families,

The second quarter of the school year is well underway and going quickly.  Please help your students by ensuring they get a good night’s sleep, eat a healthy breakfast, and have a planned lunch.  As the weather turns colder, we often find ourselves fighting colds and the flu. If we all work together to remind each other to wash hands and get rest, hopefully we will all stay healthy!

The four Salesian pillars of HOME, SCHOOL, CHURCH, and PLAYGROUND will facilitate the growth that the students need to be strong, well adjusted, spiritually reflective, life-long learners!

You have chosen SFHS and we are glad you are here! We always strive to do what is right for the students and their overall success.  Please let us know if your student needs additional support or if there is something we should be aware of to better suit their needs.

Optional and Mandatory Tutorial 

If your student communicates that they went to Tutorial, please ask them which classroom, what they worked on with their teacher(s), and maybe even ask what assignments are coming up.  

If your student earned a D or F at the end of quarter 1, they have been placed on Mandatory Tutorial.  To meet the expectations of Mandatory Tutorial, they must attend Tutorial each day and get the Tutorial Slip form signed.  The process allows students to be given full “credit” for turning in a slip even when they have early dismissal for an athletic event, a medical appointment, or an obligation at home.  Each afternoon, an email is sent to students and their parents indicating whether or not they followed the Mandatory Tutorial expectations. Beginning this quarter, we plan to communicate additional information to parents regarding what the slip indicates.  For example, if your student turned in a slip saying they had early dismissal or an appointment, parents will be notified that they did not attend Mandatory Tutorial but did submit a slip. Please speak to your student if they missed Mandatory Tutorial without you being aware of their other obligation.

Final Exams

First semester grades will be entered on your student’s permanent St. Francis High School transcript.  Paper report cards will be generated in January and will be mailed home.

The next 25 days of school are a vitally important time for students to focus on their studies.  Please continue to check student progress on FACTS/RenWeb, encourage your students to attend Tutorial on a regular basis, and assist your student in planning ahead and time management.

Tuesday, December 17, is a mandatory All School Study day.  Final exams take place Wednesday, December 18 through Friday, December 20.   Students who must miss those exams due to illness will make up their exams on Friday, January 3, 2020.  Please look ahead to reschedule any appointments or events that may distract or limit your student’s success on final exams.

Final Exam Schedule* - Fall 2019

Exam Times 

Fri & Mon

Wednesday, 12/18

Thursday, 12/19


Exam Times 

Friday, 12/20


English Dept Exams

Science Dept Exams



Spanish Dept Exams


Math Dept Exams

History/Government Dept Exams



Theology Dept Exams



PE/Health Dept Exams



PLTW Exams


Students with online classes or two classes in one department 

will take exams each day following their last scheduled exam

*Mandatory Study Day is Tuesday, December 17.   Exact times and structure will follow.

And finally, as final exams and college application deadlines approach, and the busyness of the holiday season sets in, please share this prayer with your students:

Peace Within

May today there be peace within.

May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.

May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.

May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you

May you be confident knowing you are a child of God.

Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.

It is there for each and every one of us.


- St. Therèse of Lisieux and St. Theresa of Avila

Go Sharks,
Ms. Colleen Eagleson
Associate Principal