From the Dean of Students

Dear St. Francis Families,

Please be reminded of the expectations detailed in the St. Francis Student Family Handbook regarding tardiness and absences. When a student is late to school in the morning, he/she must check in with the Main Office to receive a tardy slip in order to be admitted to class. Initially, it will be categorized as an unexcused tardy. In order to excuse the tardy, a written note from the parent or guardian must be provided the following morning to the Main Office explaining the tardy. Absences follow a similar procedure. When a student is absent, the expectation is that the parent will notify the Main Office by phone. If a phone call is not received, the Main Office will contact the parent regarding the absence. It will then again be characterized as unexcused.
In order to excuse an absence, a parent-written note explaining the absence needs to be provided to the Main Office on the morning the student returns to school. Consequences for tardiness and absences are as follows:
  • A warning from the Dean of Students (1st instance);
  • Detention (2nd instance);
  • Saturday School detention (3rd instance);
  • An Attendance Contract and potential referral to Discipline Review Board for possible suspension/dismissal (4th and subsequent instances).
For any questions, please contact the Dean of Students.

Thank you,
Mr. Anthony Valdivia
Dean of Students