SFPA General Parent Meeting

This is the first year we have parent attendance requirements at meetings. To accommodate travel to and from school as well parent interests, we host a variety of parent meetings throughout the year. Please review your school financial paperwork to identify your meeting attendance requirement.

Senior Parents, your class is responsible for providing hospitality for the September 30th SFPA general meeting. The meeting/presentation will take place in the BAC with light refreshments offered in the foyer at the start of the meeting. 

We need help in the following areas: 3-4 greeters, 6 cases of small water bottles, 4 plates of sliced cheese/crackers/sliced apples and/or grape clusters, and small appetizer plates and cocktail napkins. 

Senior parents get credit for meeting attendance and service hours for help with the above items. Please email Mrs. Megan Martinelli at [email protected] or call her cell at 332-9108 to help out.  Hospitality will be set up in the gym at 5:30pm with the presentation starting at 6:00pm
