CYM Updates

For the month of November, they are choosing to focus on men’s health issues, specifically prostate cancer and physical health.  Students are planning physical activities during the lunch periods to get everyone exercising, moving and having fun.  We will also be offering the opportunity to not shave for a donation with all donations going towards prostate cancer.  

The senior class retreat known as Kairos will be happening December 6-8. All seniors are encouraged to attend. If a student chooses not to attend, he or she is expected to be at school. There is a mandatory meeting for the parents on November 16 th at 6:00 p.m. At the meeting, I will be covering important details. If you cannot attend the meeting, you need to contact me at [email protected]

There will be a Thanksgiving liturgy on November 18 at 7:50 a.m. ALL are welcome to join us.  I wish you and your families a blessed Thanksgiving.

Shannon McLeod
